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About Open Mind Yoga Hawai'i

We are a 501c3 non-profit founded by Summer and Corey Rothwell, the owners of Yoga Under the Palms and the parents of two boys with Autism. Our mission is to create a space for autistic kids to play, learn and grow, through aerial yoga, sensory play and social activities. Our program is designed for kids to attend with their RBT or parent/caregiver.

Why aerial yoga?

Aerial yoga is a great sensory activity for kids on the spectrum. Hammocks are suspended from the ceiling but are hung close to the padded floor. This allows for a swinging and all sorts of supportive movements.

Who can attend?

Our only limitation is that we are accessible by stairs. We welcome people with high needs, low needs and anything in between. RBTs or parents must accompany each kid to class.

What if my child will not participate?

We hear this concern often and we understand. Fear of our child being disruptive or not enjoying the class can be intimidating. SPED aerial is a space where kids can come as they are (and feel free to bring comforting supports) and see if they like the experience. We have watched several kids resist the experience on the first visit but to slowly get used to the class and grow to like it in just a few sessions.


Location: Yoga Under the Palms Kaka'ako, 810 Pohukaina St.

Schedule: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 3pm (Monday/Friday and weekend classes - coming soon!)

SPED Aerial Price: FREE! Sign up at

Full afternoon program: $150/month to attend 2 days/week or $90 for 1 day/week. Email to sign up.

Ages: 3+, teens and young adults welcome


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